Using iOS 7 for a long time? I bet that you don’t even have a slightest idea about its hidden features. It’s time to know those dirty little secrets that have been hiding from you. Although there are many visible features, some of the best stuff lurks beneath the surface. Let’s check them out one by one.
1. Teach Siri to Pronounce Names Better.
Generally Siri doesn’t get names right especially when they don’t belong to her native language. In order to resolve this issue you can tell her that “You didn’ pronounce that correctly”. Soon after that you will be facing a series of question which will her her to get thepronunciation right.
2. Siri can even Handle your Calls.
That’s right with the new iOS 7 you can manage your call log along with many other cool features with the help of Siri. You can listen to your Voice Mail, You can even ring the lastmissed call.
3. Change your AirDrop Visibility.
With the all new AirDrop feature been introduced in iOS 7 you can easily send or receive files from other iOS devices but what you don’t know is that you can even change its visibility in case you want to imply some sort of restriction.
4. Night Mode for Maps.
Many of the users were having the problem while using the maps during night cause its leads you to blinding you while driving. In order to resolve this matter Apple has introduced all new night mode feature which helps the users to drive comfortably while using their iOS devices.
5. Sprit Level in Compass App.
Say no to crooked photos in your buildings with the all new Spirit level introduced in iOS 7 the users can hang their Photo frames in a perfect balance.
6. Time Stamp in Messages.
You can see at what time you have received your text messages with the all new time stamp feature. This feature was common in WhatsApp messenger, BBM etc. and now its in your Text messages too.
7. Audio-Only FaceTime Calls.
Experiencing sh**ty connection while using FaceTime well in that case you can audio call other iOS users what you have to do is simply click phone icon instead of video icon.
8. Block Calls and Messages.
Every iOS user who haven’t gotten their iOS devices jailbroken were missing the block contact feature. Even the old Nokia devices running on Symbian platform were having this feature. No need to worry anymore because with the arrival of iOS 7 Apple has provided their users with Block this caller feature. So stalkers… you can suck on that.
9. See tweets with URL/Links in Safari
To use this feature you must log in to you twitter account in settings. After that you can easily view you tweets in Safari by opening Bookmarks and pressing @ button on top
10. Motion Sensing Controls.
Now this particular feature is so far the best thing that has happened with the arrival of iOS 7, what you can do is simply Go Back or Even use the Home key simply by tilting your head. In case you haven’t tried this feature please just check it out otherwise you are really missing out a great feature.
Settings>General>Accessibility>Switch Control
11. View Your Frequent Visited Places On Map
Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations
12. Swipe Right To Go Back
Instead of clicking the back icon on top left corner you can simply swipe to right to go back to your previous step.
13. Turn Automatic App Updates On / Off
Don’t want your apps to update automatically in background, Don’t worry simply turn off theAutomatic Update option and there you go.
14. Unlimited Apps in Folder
I know it is not a new feature but believe me people are still using 9 apps in a single folder. Also as compare to earlier iOS versions iOS 7 provide its user with no limit on the folder. You can put as many apps as you want.
15. Enable/Disable Advertisement Tracking
Now, you can limit Ad-tracking.
16. Change Gender of Siri
Now ‘lonely girls can too talk to their phones‘, earlier only boys were able to fulfil their needs of talking to a girl but now girls too can enjoy that although the name Siri does make it sound like some transvestite.
17. Edit Queries in Siri
Even after shedding its beta tag, Siri is still far from perfect. It so happens that Apple’s voice assistant is a hit or miss when it comes to recognizing a particular accent. For example, Siri might not be able to differentiate between ‘the sky’ or ‘this guy’ that often. And starting from iOS 7, you can actually edit your voice queries by tapping the tap to edit button on screen in the Siri UI, and fix them using the on-screen keyboard. Sounds pretty neat right?
18. Zoom Into Album Art In iOS 7 Music App
Cover Flow was shown the white flag in iOS 7, and the new Music app instead shows your music album art is a neat tiled pattern in landscape mode. Sounds cool and all, but did you know that you can actually zoom in or out your album art by simply using pinch gestures? Try it!
19. Dynamic Wallpapers
iOS 7 supports dynamic wallpapers, in short: animated wallpapers. Go to Settings > Wallpapers & Brightness > Choose Wallpaper > Dynamic, and there you’ll see a bunch of animated wallpapers which respond to your device’s movement.
19. View All Received Media In Messages App In One Place
20. Enable / Disable Control Center In Lock Screen Or Apps
Don’t want anyone else, or yourself mistakenly launching Control Center on the lock screen or running apps? Why not disable it? Go to Settings > Control Center and enable or disable access to Control Center on the lock screen or apps.
21. Update App Content In The Background
Use an app frequently but don’t like to refresh every time you launch it? iOS 7 has you covered. Go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and enable all the apps you wish to update themselves in the background. Note: this feature really takes a toll on battery, therefore select the apps which are most relevant for you to be updated.
22. Take Square Photos Using Camera App
Regular photos aren’t cutting the mustard for you? The native Camera app in iOS 7 now lets you take square photos. Launch the Camera app, and swipe to the right to take photos in square proportions. You can use the same swiping gesture to go through Panorama and Videomodes.
23. Use Siri To Enable / Disable System Toggles
Siri shed its beta tag along with the release of iOS 7, and can do a lot more than just telling you the weather, calling a certain contact, settings reminders etc. Press and hold the Home button to launch Siri and say – for example – ‘Turn Wi-Fi on’ and Siri will turn on Wi-Fi for you. Same works for Bluetooth and other system toggles.
24. Enable / Disable Bold Text or Change Font Size System-wide
Don’t like iOS 7’s new thin font size? Bold it up! Head over to Settings > General > Accessibility > and enable Bold Text. Changing the system wide font size is as easy as pie, too. Head over to Settings > General > Text Size and adjust the font size to your liking.
25. Turn Parallax On / Off
Don’t like the new iOS 7 Parallax effect on wallpapers – or 3D wallpapers as we would like to call them? Fear that it might be draining your battery? Simply turn it off. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion and turn it on or off according to your liking.
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